• Don’t take our word for it.

    Get a sample pack and see for yourself.

  • We only offer outstanding quality products and are proud to share them with our customers.
    That’s why we are happy to send you a sample pack for free.

    No hidden costs, all we need is an address to send it to and we’ll get it in the post that day, so you’ll have it in no time at all.

    Inside, you will find examples of our business cards with playful print, flyers showing our different paper stock, including our very popular seeded paper. This should help you with all the important questions, ‘what paper to choose?’ ‘how does it feel after it’s printed?’.
    As we like to watch our footprint, we have choosen stylish prints, with one being a postcard!

    Hatch, be kind print kind.

    *Please note that our sample packs are only shipped to UK addresses via Royal Mail 2nd Class. Delivery will be within 2-3 business days.

    Order a sample pack